Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Taking It Slow

So often we learn to listen to the voices in our head. We decide that what we hear is what needs to be or shouldn't be. We begin to adapt to a new normal.

Throughout blogging over the last two years, I read so much, drowned myself into learning about building my blog and gaining followers that I really stressed myself out. After much thought, I decided it was time to step back from blogging and all of social media. I have taken a break for about 6 months to process life, gain understanding and heal from past hurts. It's been a journey. It's been tough and it's been real. You might say, it's been a part of my race. One that I'm still learning to love as I race forward.

With that said, I'm blogging here. On this slightly different blog that will have no set timeline or topic, but be a place where I simply write. I missed writing. I missed growing in my writing and finding my voice.

Thankfully, new adventures are ahead!